Safety and Educational Seminars
Our seminars help seaplane pilots build knowledge and skills, which means they help save lives. It’s the core mission of the Seaplane Pilots Foundation.
Scholarship Programs
Providing the best of the next generation of pilots a path to seaplane flying.
Invasive Species Education
Taking the most serious threat to seaplane access to public waterways—aquatic invasive species—head on with education programs and tools that make seaplane pilots part of the solution.
Seaplane Technology and Learning Center
Creating a worldwide center for pilots and enthusiasts to collect, develop and disseminate knowledge, materials and programs for and about seaplane flying.
Growing the Community
Supporting and growing the seaplane community by creating opportunities for people to gather, learn, fly, and enjoy the world of water flying.

Safety & Educational Seminars

Invasive Species Education

Seaplane Technology & Learning Center

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Preserving & Protecting
Seaplane Flying

Preserving & Protecting
Seaplane Flying

The Seaplane Foundation is vital to the protection and promotion of seaplane flying. Thanks to generous donations from supporters, the foundation has assumed a growing role in the mission effectiveness of the Seaplane Pilots Association.


The seaplane community is faced with an aging pilot population that is shrinking daily, and the foundation is aggressively working to attract a new generation of young pilots. To address this problem the Seaplane Foundation is creating numerous interactive programs to attract youth to the water flying community, including a national Seaplane Rating Scholarship program. The Tyler Orsow-Chuck Kimes Memorial Scholarship program is actively stimulating the growth of the seaplane pilot population by providing zero-cost seaplane rating scholarship to deserving young career-track pilots.